Trinity: A Historically Rooted Church 

Trinity joins the worldwide church in embracing our historic creeds and confessions. Creeds and confessions have been used in history to unify God's church in heart and mind as well as to defend against heresy. From the period of early church history (AD 100-500) Christians have been given the Apostle's, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds. What is called the definition of Chalcedon (451) is embraced as well as it includes important truths about Christ and his human and divine nature. Specific to the Presbyterian Church is a confession from England called the Westminster Confession of Faith (1648). The Westminster Confession is a condensed summary of biblical doctrines that are arranged in chapters with Scripture citations. Those who are hungry for rich doctrine find the Westminster to be an enjoyable feast time and time again.


Trinity: A Reformed Church  

A Reformed Church holds forth Jesus Christ alone for salvation through faith alone by grace alone.  The Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century was a recovery of the Gospel.  Protestant Churches hold that Jesus rules His church by His Word and Spirit. One key truth about a Reformed Church is that, from beginning to end, God receives glory for our salvation.


Trinity: A Presbyterian Church 

Presbyterian also means the church is governed by elders elected by the people.  We are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Our national seminary is Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis MO. The PCA has a national college ministry called Reformed University Fellowship that is located on over 100 college campuses. Our sister churches on Oahu are Trinity Church Central Oahu and The City Church of Honolulu.